Call On Me, Brother
by Cybra
Special thanks to my sister spamsama for the proofreading.
Disclaimer: All characters and situations contained herein relate to the webcomic Wish³ by Sylvia.


Basil Toback sat on the porch, gazing out over the gardens of Himitsu’s home. He rested his chin on his knees and closed his eyes.

Footsteps approached from behind him, and Basil tensed automatically.

“Chill,” his older brother Gabe’s voice softly called from the space above and behind his left shoulder. “We’re okay here.”

The eighteen year-old cursed with three wishes looked up at his older brother who stood just behind him. “How’s Himitsu?”

“Recovering. Mitei did a number on her last time.”

“And Paige?”

“With Himitsu. Keeping her busy or something.”

Basil figured that Gabe had actually asked Paige to stay with Himitsu while they had a little talk but said nothing.

Predictably, Gabe made himself at home next to his younger brother. “It wasn’t your fault, Baz. Mitei surprised everybody. Despite what she says, I don’t think even Himitsu knew that Mitei was coming.”

Basil said nothing.

Taking this as an invitation to keep talking, Gabe continued, “Let’s just be thankful nobody got killed. Okay?”

Instead of answering, the wisher stood and walked into the gardens.

“Basil!” Gabe called, exasperated.Standing and jogging after his brother, he easily caught up and asked, “What?”

“Gabe, I don’t think you and Paige should go next time.”

“Oh come on—”

“I’m serious.”

“Why? Because of Himitsu?”

“Not just because of that! It’s also because of that…stuff…that grabbed Paige when we watched Morigami!” Basil gave Gabe a pleading look. “I don’t want you guys getting yourselves killed because of me.”

Before his younger brother could do anything, the college student pulled Basil into a bear hug. After a full minute, Gabe looked his brother in the eye. “Listen to me, Basil, and listen good: I am not going to just stand by and watch you do stupid stuff that can get you killed. When you need somebody to watch your back, you can always call me. You understand?”

The eighteen year-old stared at his brother for a few seconds before he hugged him. Burying his face in Gabe’s shoulder, Basil asked a muffled “Promise?”

“I promise.”

And for the first time in what felt like an eternity of eternities, Basil felt truly comforted and safe.

Contents of this site is solely the property of Sylvia T. Leung, copyright 2000-2002.
All material is copyrighted, so don't use them, permission be damned! It's already a big fat "no!"
this stuff waaaaaay down here is just for this stupid table to align right! God I hate it when code is buggy and you have no idea what the hell is wrong, but you know there's some logic to it, but you take the easy way out. This is easy for me.